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寻人启事!加拿大杰出青少年就是你! 第三届华联之星杰出青少年颁奖晚会招募啦!

Updated: Jul 25, 2022


自古英雄出少年! 煮酒论英雄,伯闻识精英!


本次晚会主办方: 加拿大华人联合总会 青少年委员会

承办方:Beauty Vision Society 美丽愿景公益会

协办方: 聚焦传媒,加拿大关爱青少年成长基金会


The 3rd CCSA Youth Star Awards Night

从2016年起,连续举办了3届,得到总领馆与加拿大三级政府的大力支持。晚会以弘扬中华传统文化及促进加拿大青少年全面发展为目的,通过社会媒体、当地教育委员会及各界招募加拿大“华联之星”, 经由专业评审委员从综合方面评选出杰出青少年,颁发奖项及荣誉证书。旨在鼓励和培养在各方面作出突出贡献的杰出青少年人才,向加拿大诠释中华传统思想“德、智、体、美、劳”对青少年教育及发展的影响,鼓励青少年勇于发展创新的同时,也要具备社会责任感和公益心。



  • 德育 公益之星Star of Public Welfare


  • 智育 学术之星Star of Academics


  • 体育 体育之星Star of Sports


  • 美育 艺术之星Star of Arts


  • 劳育 创新创业之星Star of Innovation




时间:2018年 11月24日6:30-9:00 PM


4351 No 3 Rd #105, Richmond, BC V6X 2C3





Tel: 7789269333



Tel:7788468705 / 7789269633



加拿大华人联合总会青少年委员会Canadian Community Service Youth Association,简称CCSYA.是华联会下属青少年组织,旨在为在加拿大学习和工作的青年提供更多支持与引导,让年轻人有更多参与社会的机会,为踏入职场和更好地融入加拿大社会做充足的准备。“少年强则国强,少年进步则国进步”,华青会希望通过搭建一个发掘和培养人才的平台给青年人创造更多机遇。

CCSA Youth Association Introduction

CCSYA (Canadian Community Service Youth Association) is a subsidiary organization of CCSA - Canadian Community Service Association. CCSYA devote to support and provide guidance for youth elites in Canada who are passionate individuals in the field of academics, sports, innovation, performing arts, and social welfare. CCSYA strives to enable opportunities for youths to participate in both local communities and international sectors. Our mission is to lead them to future careers and create positive impact in the Canadian society. We genuinely wish that through our association, the young generation will expand their potential and success in their future endeavors.

加拿大华人联合总会 介绍(简称:华联会,CCSA)

加拿大华人联合总会(CCSA-Canadian Community Service Association,以下简称“华联会”)成立于2002年,由普翔先生创立,牛华先生担任现任会长。华联会长期致力于服务华人社区,加强各族裔及社区之间的交流与合作,协助华人积极融入加拿大社会,争取和维护加拿大华人的平等权益,促进加拿大多元文化社会的平等、和睦和团结,推动中加之间的文化交流及经贸合作。

Canadian Community Service Association

The Canadian Community Service Association (CCSA) was found in 2002 by Mr. Pu Xiang, who was also the first Chairman. The CCSA has a long-term commitment of serving the Chinese community in Canada, and promoting the communication and cooperation among various ethnic groups and communities. The CCSA also helped the Chinese people to integrate into the Canadian society, sought and protected the equal rights of the Chinese Canadians, enhanced the equality, harmony and unity for the multicultural society of Canada, improved the culture exchange and economic and trade cooperation between Canada and China.

CCSA is a non-profit, non-religious and non-political NGO that has been officially registered in Canada, and has developed its membership with over 20,000 people. As one of the most influential Canadian NGO, CCSA adheres to the idea of serving the Chinese Community since the first day it was founded, and has organized a great number of events, including sixteen Vancouver Chinese Spring Festival Celebrations (Banquet for thousands of people), the Chinese Culture Heritage Festival in 2015, 2016 ,2017 and 2018 with participants over ten thousand people, and ten Vancouver Water-Splashing Festivals and three CCSA Golf Games.

From 2008, CCSA and its members actively involved in both Canadian and Chinese charities with generous donation to the people has been suffered for disaster victims of the Wenchuan Earthquake, University of British Columbia, the Fund of the Richmond Hospital and the Canadian Red Cross for the fire erupted in Fort McMurray. According to incomplete statistics, the total donation from the members of CCSA has raised over 6 million Canadian dollars which was positive contribution to the communities of both Canada and China.

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